I drove past this between Salida and Cotopaxi on State Highway 50 in Colorado. I had to turn around and tell whoever that I stood with them totally assuming I was correct. I was and got the biggest hug of appreciation for doing so.

From my understanding, there are close to 3000 children being held around this country after being seized from their parents at the border.

Many will never see their Mom and Dad again because Republicans are totally evil.

You bastards!


His Whoreness

Do not be deceived here about this piece of human shit by the name of Glenn Beck whose program on Fox Whore News will be ending later this year. Until he leaves he is still there.

Fox has not changed or any other news outlet big or small that sells the teabagger line of pure fresh corn fed bull shit delivered 24/7 to every corner of this country and beyond.

This slug is going nowhere. Stupid, racist, mind fucked,religion raped,gun loving repugs will demand more of the same. He and or someone else will be back and it will be worse than before. Watch it happen.


  1. Of course the next one will be worse, or he (or she, considering the drunken slut Geller might be up for the job) will never get out of the Reichsführer's shadow.

  2. Hell,

    They have a slew of asses who will take his place.

    They are all expendable after spending their wad and exhausting the public's patience (and they will move on to writing fake books for the masses who buy them but don't read them).

    And that 27% who love them (and voted for Goldwater in 1964 and have now rebranded their party as the Rethuglican Party and live to listen to this bullshit) will follow them anywhere.

    I, for one, never thought his German uniform so-called "pranks" were anything except a dog whistle to those looking for the signs forward.

    Thanks again!


  3. I think the idea that the next one will be worse is debatable, but there's no question he'll be replaced by someone with similar views. And we'll be lucky if he's no worse.

    Unfortunately, Beck exists because there's a market for him.

  4. Cujo, I'm betting on Reverend Terry, "Burn Baby Burn", Jones.
