

The implementation of religion into our country's military has been written about for some time. These two pictures represent the very same thing. Remember when Ronnie said he was doing it for God and Khomeini was doing it for Allah. This article explains in detail.

It's difficult to explain how incredibly insane it is for this country to have allowed this to happen. We are one in the same the only difference is their cloud being that can not be seen like ours is from the wrong side of the tracks and we don't like him. Delusional people think like this.

Ran across this site that if you like cats it's worth a visit.

Iowa Poll: New numbers releasedSome time ago witnessed a small group of African Americans being refused service at a local restaurant in a small town in Iowa. People are so pissed off at the various forms of solicitations from all the candidates wonder if these polls can even be close.

The question needs to be asked of all the candidates where they stand on reality and if they are willing to put reality first in making decisions.

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