
They hate this guy sooo bad!

Do not endorse any candidate from anywhere. Don't give a shit if the Queen of Egypt promises to shake things up. This candidate is exposing the very core for the reasons our country's dilemma's. The hate and lies are here coming from all over the media spectrum. This one example is proof enough alone why there must be diversity in conventional media. To give people a choice other than media influenced by corporations. Get ready to duck and cover it's going to be shock and disgust on a daily basis worse than ever before. What ever it takes to divert attention from real issues.


  1. Busted said to say he sent me :)

  2. Hey Outta!

    Busted said to tell ya he sent me here, and I am glad to see ya.

    Like your Edwards slant fer sure dood.

  3. Who in blazes is this Busted guy?

  4. rbg -

    isn't he that "that rich lawyer guy with nice hair?"... on no, wait... that would be edwards.

    well, who ever he is.. bust sent me to say hi too.

  5. Saw a picture of Busted-good looking guy.
