
William the Bloody and Chris Masshews

Tom Tomorrow knocks these guys flat on their asses. Why this man is given any credibility is beyond me. I forgot our country loves war and his bosses do too. The whole country with the help of a whole array of spineless bastards banging the war drums leading up to the invasion of Iraq was out for blood. The old blood long since dried and the new continuing to run bright red for almost five years just like the mouth of this neo-con killer. Worse is the local fish wrapper had his column in print today. The Bloody One deserves something for his lies too. click on picture for larger view
Matthews has been out of control for some time. Not nearly as vile as Billo or the Vulgar Pig Boy Limbo he as like many in the media deserve not the title of journalist. This is not here in support of Clinton but to make the point that if there ever is to be meaningful thoughtful discussions on issues of the day something has to change. And as a RPCV how did he get this way and to me he is an embarrassment. What a bunch of bs and hate he spews out in such a short period. Courtesy of Crooks and Liars

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