
A good day on the Internets

It's good because skippy and others plus even more are linking to each other and sharing the common themes many have. The bigger including the little guys such as myself. Individually and as a collective the whole truth and the rest of the story has been and will continue to be told on this medium. Jon Swift has been a major player in this too. I find reading the little guys more entertaining and just about as informative. Our opinions have more credibility than the whores in the media because of just that. They sold their sorry worn out asses long ago and look where the fuck we are now. Pounding out our frustrations because these bastards do not have a goddamn ounce of integrity left in them anywhere to tell the truth. I gotta get busy with my link list and hope you do the same and encourage any who visit here to start your own blog if you do not have one and become part of this important and crazy world of the internets.


  1. Love your Blog...adding it right now...Beautiful....

  2. As I do yours! We're going to get along just fine.

  3. consider yourself blogrolled
    great stuff!

  4. Hello, One Fly, and thanks for linking to me. I just put you on my blogroll. Welcome to Casa de Los Gatos anytime.
