
What A Gal Kinda Sleazy Is

Brave New Films has possibly done the best one yet leaving no doubt that somehow some way these (insert appropriate adjective here) must be held to account for their actions.

OTC takes the position that when the time is at hand for the strut fest to the gallows for treason and other heinous crimes against humanity killer bitches first!


  1. A little time will take care of getting her out. Her boss is where all the efforts to prosecute should be focused. Get the damn "decider" and his attempts to lie his way out of court will bring all the rest of his coconspirators onto the prison bus with him.

  2. Actually, you do it the other way, Jeg. Get the minions and they will roll over on Chimpy faster than a ten-dollar whore.

  3. I hear you, earth bound. What I had in mind was concern that the Chimp would promise to pardon all the damn minions.
