
Gonna Stink It Up Today

Yup that's correct- going golfing. Not here that's for damn sure. Even if it weren't white all over and not 16* it's time. Have not swung a club since late last fall plus readily admit to being a shitty golfer there will be many chunks for sure. If I could play bogey golf that would be an accomplishment and hope to at least get a couple anyway meaning par.

Wearing a new pair of slacks with pleats (oh my) as there is a dress code for sure. One has to be proper you know but the temp should reach 60 with the sun out so as soon as I can we get the shorts on. Can't wait. I'll report the impending shitty results when I get back. This will be fun and I need fun. On the way down will get a good look at the Colorado River as I plan on fishing there for a while tomorrow to see if I can get a couple (fish) there as well. As it stands neither has been had this year making both way behind schedule. I just hope I can hit the fucking ball so I don't look like 85% of the other hacks out there playing this game.

Are as expected-pretty shitty. Think three pars were had all up and downs including a chip in. Came very close to two other chip ins as well. Did get shorts on but it was chilly when the wind came up and that made things much harder. Just can't hit the ball very far any more and since I'm cheap will not allow the purchase of a state of the art driver that would make a big difference. The technology in these new clubs does work. Had a great time with two friends and the game will get better. Suppose it would help if I gave a shit. Drove the river road and the Colorado is fishable so plan on doing that tomorrow.


  1. Hope you have a BUNCH of pars. Another great photo! What's the story on the six-toed foot prints? Or are they not foot prints?

  2. Unsure about those but will look into it.
