
Iraq PM Bitching And Moaning

Maliki rebuked neighboring states on Tuesday for not doing enough to strengthen ties with Baghdad, write off Iraq's debts or stop militants entering the war-torn country.

This is news? Poor fucking boy sure has learned well from his masters. Of course Sleazy Rice was just there pulling strings and threatening Sadr as if any of that will make a bit of a difference. Blame as always others when the plan does not work as if it ever was going to. Any imbecile can understand when a country invades another for lies there is no good that will come of it. They hate us they will always hate us and nothing will ever change that. We must leave Iraq now but there is no one to lead the way. We are so screwed. Gas prices too high? Like rice but it's too expensive or not on the shelf. Don't anybody bitch here when it gets even worse. It's your own goddamn fault for voting for this killer chimp not once but twice. Dumb monkeys!

1 comment:

  1. And still, some will vote for McCain... I hope that Americans, faced with a greater level of economic crisis- prove to be smarter than I believe them to be.

    I know, I know...
