
Just For The Hell Of It

I just purchased some CA-40 fuel fuel additive. I do not use additives at work or in my own vehicles basically because I'm cheap. I did so now because I think this stuff works and I want to find out if I can increase my mpg by 10% maybe more.

Since I'm lazy too at work I use just one specific type and brand of motor and hydraulic oil for everything with tremendous success and don't feel the need to improve much. Preventive maintenance and proper operation is the key to longevity. Fuel mileage is something else these days. I will find out soon and definitely reveal results. My 2000 Suby Forrester gets 28-29 mpg. I'll believe these guys from Minnesota a whole hell of a lot more than some rat fuck frat boy from the east coast who thinks he's from Texas. This will be interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard Ed Schultz talking this stuff up for some time now. Let me know how it goes! My work truck gets 8-9 mpg, so it could definitely help me it it really does the job.
