
And The Answer Is

Originally posted 2/8/07 got the answers I've been looking for. I enjoyed this video so much as there was a lot going on. Just as much the song was a delight. Wanted to put a face to the voice in the song.

The group is call&response. The song is rollerskate. Found the answer at SONGZA. Never been there and it's great. They let you add a player. The video is a minute and the song in the player is four.

Here is the young women who sings this and it's a fun watch too. The video is from flightplanfilms.com

May not be much but it's something anyway plus I get a kick outta shit like this.

Do not have time for a post today as need to deal with all the goddamn snow. Drug this up from the archives to see if I can get lucky and find somebody out there that may know the artist who does the music on this short video. That would be nice. Just went out to warm up the car and I tell you there's so fucking much snow it's getting kinda crazy.

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