
Doubts About MRAP Vehicle

MRAP=Mine Resistant Ambush Protective vehicle. The deaths of two U.S. soldiers in western Baghdad last week have sparked concerns that Iraqi insurgents have developed a new weapon capable of striking what the U.S. military considers its most explosive-resistant vehicle.

Well no shit Sapphire the enemy found a way to penetrate it's defenses. That's what the fuck the other side does that's their job to kill the other guy and to find new and better ways to do so. These cost a million each. Spend all the goddamn money you want and it ain't gonna make squat bit of difference.

U.S. officials have accused Iran of shipping EFPs across the border and arming militias.

explosively formed penetrator. No OTC calls bullshit. The whore media frames it like this but if there are any accusations thrown around it's to the sonsofbitches that invaded Iraq on lies. This has been going on for some time attempting to sway opinion for the impending attack of some sort on Iran.

Nothing goes according to plan when you are at war-nothing. Nor is there any good that comes out of it. Compound the situation with the lies and it just doesn't get much worse. Will the sheeple ever get this. Not as long as the media is in the back pocket of these murderous thugs. We are so screwed!

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