
Never Been Able To Understand This Logic

A couple days ago a tornado ripped up a town on the front range leaving one dead and caused other damage as you can imagine. Two churches will hold a tent service tomorrow.
"The worship service will focus on praising God for His amazing protection over the lives of the people in the community during the storm"
Always after a catastrophe there is rhetoric such as this. It makes no sense to me and I question if those that say and believe this way have any reasoning abilities at all. I am sorry for your misfortune and have contributed to the relief effort but seriously the reality is there was no being controlling this event and if there was they sent this to you. Trying to be half ass nice here but this shit gets so damn old.

1 comment:

  1. Not being a big student of theology (understatement alert!), I might have gotten this wrong. Nevertheless, I thought one of the big philosophical differences between Christianity and other religions was that Christianity says that their god doesn't make decisions like this. In short, their god doesn't intervene in the affairs of people on Earth, and doesn't make tornadoes hit or miss houses.

    So, yes, I never got this, either.
