
Senate War Whores

WASHINGTON - The Senate plans to vote Thursday on providing $165 billion to fund Pentagon operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, under a deal that likely would doom billions of dollars in domestic programs.

Excerpts from the house of whores

But it would likely kill money for 13 weeks of additional unemployment benefits

The plan by Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., would also provide for passage of Bush's funding request without restrictions on his conduct of the Iraq war.

Republicans are expected to block a Democratic plan to urge Bush to begin redeployment of combat troops

Reading this early this morning pisses me off so badly but why should I be? This is what these sonsofbitches have done from the very beginning. Of course the Repugs will block this or that until they get what they want and the Dims will say don't use any lube I like it like that. Bushmeister sits back getting wood because the killing will continue.

Then this too where 8 civilians are killed including two kids. That's just fine for those that make the votes as they are not ours. We are so screwed!

Look the fuck out cause we ain't seen nothing yet.

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