
Sunday Pat Condell Class


  1. If you like Condell, then there are some books you may enjoy. 'The God Delusion' by Richard Dawkins, and 'god is not Great' by Christopher Hitchens are both good reads. Also, the book 'Letter to a Christian Nation' by Sam Harris is a good quick read. Dawkin's website actually has a collection of Pat Condell on DVD. Anyway, if you haven't done so already, I would recommend visiting your local library and giving any one of these authors a try. Dawkins and Hitchens especially. Got to love those British Atheists.

  2. Last nite in Monrovia I had some food at a restaurant where a great live band was playing. There was no one except me and my two Liberian friends, one of whom was so drunk he fell asleep. Then Sweet Mother came on, the song you wrote about. The drunk guy sort of half woke up with a huge smile on his face and began to sway around. So it's still popular -- and thanks to your post I recognized the song.

  3. That's just splendid Pauline. That has made my day so far.tb

    Reached out and touched someone far away in a unique way. How cool is that?

    Pauline is referring to this.
