
Will This Be The Year?

Back in the cornfield things are a bit tense in some areas as it has been too wet to plant and it is late. The part of the field I came from has theirs in the ground late but in plenty of time.

The video below gives a bit more information on this. The point I wish to make is that in the last few years towards the end of the growing season crops were struggling because of lack of rain. Each of these years timely moisture occurred that in the end has produced very high yields. There have been some close calls and what if they don't catch that break this year as in the past or maybe it just won't rain much at all.

Eventually events will come together where the amount of corn produced nationwide will be significantly less. When that happens given the dynamics of his particular crop the resulting havoc will have global impact on many economy's with ours taking the biggest hit. With all the bad shit going on let's all hope for a good year where ever that cornfield may be.

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