
A Brief Word On The Open

Tiger won and it took 91 holes to do it. Never saw one shot but it's my understanding today he did not hit many fairways. Anyone who comes here knows I have an attitude about this game the people who play it and the organization behind it. Jack Nicklaus said some time ago that with the manicured conditions the tour plays on players don't have to manufacture shots as in the past and he is correct. Tiger is better than every player out there in that respect because his Father emphasized that and also practicing in all kinds of inclement weather.

I don't know for sure but I bet this guy while recovering because he could not put any strain on his knee was out there as soon as he was able working on his short game and in particular putting for hours on end every day he could. Bottom line on these PGA professionals-DRIVE FOR SHOW AND PUTT FOR DOUGH and that was proven dramatically in this tournament. An amazing performance for sure. Congratulations Tiger!!

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