
By the Way

I received it today. 6/23/08

Where in the hell is my $600 tax rebate money that I will not stimulate the economy with. Others have gotten theirs and I sure as hell want mine as it's mine anyway. Anybody else not get the rebate?


  1. mine showed up in the forking mail today - even though i filed electronically and paid electronically through my bank account. forkers - now i got to either mail it to the bank for deposit or drive over the hill and deposit it and with gas approaching $4.40 here, i'm gonna have to forking mail it in.

    (getting off whine box)

  2. Thanks Suzanne. I will continue to be patient.tb

  3. Filed electronically early March. Haven't seen jack.

  4. Got mine yesterday; it depends on the last four digits of your SS# as to when they are mailing them out and One Fly, I will not be stimulating the economy with mine either, I do enough of that just trying to survive every day!

  5. Like Oakcreature said, it depends on your last two digits of your SS#. You can actually go to the IRS website, and find out when yours will be mailed out. Mine won't get to me until after July 4th! As for stimulating the economy, screw that. Mine's going straight to the savings account.

  6. I filed electronically in March and received my tax refund directly into my checking acct less than two weeks later. Around May 2nd I looked at my account online and I was $1200 richer. Of course I promptly wrote out a check for $600 to my wife as she is broke from spending all her money on her horses. My SS# ends with "12". I spent mine on video games and a punch card at Haymaker.
