
Can You Believe It

Wanted to have this up yesterday but needed to be sure the wording was correct.
Part of what I read yesterday included this gem.

Present Review Committee is like having Hitler request from Adolf Eichman the status of the morale of the Jewish Prisoners in Dachau

This was in an unsigned letter concerning an established procedure for a review of job performance for a certain employee that works here. But there's a major fucking problem here big time. It just so happens this person is Jewish!

There are some real simpleton inbred types that live here for sure more than enough to go around. There has been similar things before but not like this. You don't show your faces but I know who you are and where you hang. Fuck each and everyone of you and I can guarantee you that never will one dime of mine cross your way and I despise all of you for these words you used in these times.

Go fuck yourselves and may many in the future take a giant shit on the likes of you lowlife pricks who don't have any idea of course on just how fucked up you are. I can never have any respect for any of you not after this. You don't have a clue how far the depths of your stupidity and bigotry can provoke anger that is never forgotten.

When is the next cross burning party where you don your passed down white hoodies and robes patting each other on the ass for racism well served. Sonsofbitches!!

1 comment:

  1. there is no limit to the stupidity, insensitivity and evil in many many people in this country......

