
64 Years Ago Today It Was D-Day

A comment on the post below brought up an anniversary date that seems to have gone unnoticed. If it had not been for that comment it would have slipped by. I perused a number of places and found nothing. So thanks to jeg43 there will be some acknowledgment here of this important date in the history of this country and the beginning of the end for Nazi Germany.

jeg43 writes
I think it would be fitting to post a few lines about the huge number of Americans AND others who put their asses on the line on June 6th many years ago along and on the coast of France to preserve the freedoms this country used to cherish. Their numbers are shrinking at an awful rate and they deserve all the thanks we can offer. And the ones who are no longer with us deserve to be remembered.

How many times have we seen the same clips of footage taken of landing craft taking incoming fire or the the beach scenes with men being hit and falling never to get up again. Saving Private Ryan gave an accurate picture in my opinion of what it was like that day. Maybe you've seen the interviews done with those who were there and went back. These men had balls the size of Babe the Blue Ox to do what they did 64 years ago. So many died for our country that bloody day in France in 1944. Thank you to all that survive and to those who gave their lives for us who are here today made possible by your sacrifice.

Cross posted @ Ornery Bastard


  1. Thank you, sir.

  2. I forgot about it, too, until I read some e-mail today. It's something we shouldn't forget, for all the reasons you mentioned.

  3. Boy Howdy! Today's pic is a beauty! That about as far "Outta the Cornfield" as one might get!

  4. This picture is not mine but a friend recently returned from Costa Rica. Scrambling for new photos but it's been hard because it's been overcast so much.
