
Gas Hits National Average Of $4 For The First Time

No shit Cisco imagine fucking that. Just a rant here as I don't need these media whores telling me the obvious. More obvious is the fact it's going to go a lot fucking higher and it ain't coming fucking down either. Don't any of you dumb fucking monkeys bitch about it either because this is what you get when you vote for the likes of the Boosh whores not once but twice. Dumb dumb monkeys fuck you and the lame ass horse you rode in on. Forgot to mention to kiss my sorry ass too!

What I do need you lame dick bastards to do is tell the sheep the reason why it got to $4. It's a long story now that started the day after the election in 2000. If you would have told the real story behind all the horrific stories these killers produce on a daily basis since that time we wouldn't be reading this shit now. Goddamnit do your fucking job assholes.


  1. It's been over $4 a gallon for regular for quite a while now. Our gas taxes are higher than average, though.

  2. And a rousing "fuck you" to all the goddamned speculators too!

  3. $4.15 here and that's 15 cents higher than where I work.
