
If I Only had An Ear

UPDATE 7/208 The biopsy came back negative. I am lucky. Just found out my friend's came back negative also. YES!!!

Still have most of my ear. Nine days until the results of the biopsy. One of my buds mentioned below was at the same office same doctor same procedure. 20 bucks for me today and $300 for him yesterday. There will never be meaningful legislation passed in this country until people are put in office that cast their votes for what is in the best interests of us and our country and not for what is in the best interest of corporations. This is just bull shit.

An Oregon man, given less than a year to live, had a complete remission of advanced deadly skin cancer after an experimental treatment that revved up his immune system to fight the tumors.

Immunotherapy has become the most promising approach" to late-stage, death-sentence skin cancers

none of the eight other patients in the study did as well. It's not clear why

Well find out dammit. I know of five people at least who have this. Have an appointment today myself and we'll see. They'll probably want to lop off my goddamn ear. Along with two other buds who have it on one ear there may be a bunch of ear less bastards running around town.

No matter what this article shows some promise. Get the fuck after it! Chop chop.


  1. geeze, I hope they do get on it and I hope you hear good news soon.

    the mecidal system in this country is just insane. want civilized medicine: try Canada, Norway, France, even England for god's sake! we aren't in the top ten even for advanced medical care.

  2. glad ya still have most of your ear and sending ya warm, healing positive thoughts (along with fingers and toes crossed) that the results are good.

  3. Thanks girls. I do not think it's that serious and was being a smart ass more than anything. The rate of sakin cancer is alarming here and the doctor said the same.

    So what if I have a notched ear like they do to pigs-I'll still be better looking that Rove. tb

  4. good thoughts
    and what is the result

  5. Should be towards the end of the week DCap. My bud should find out the day before me and that same day he was diagnosed with cancer from a previous biopsy. We'll see and if it is I think it will be a minor issue.
