
Sick Shit From The Cornfield

Creston Police Chief Jamie Christensen, 40, and Assistant Police Chief John Sickels, 38, turned themselves in for arrest today at Iowa State Patrol Post No. 1 in Des Moines.

When the ones that wear the badges and particularly the chief and the assistant chief are involved and admit to certain acts how in the hell can trust be rebuilt for those who carry the guns in this small community? If found guilty these two low-lifes need to be put so far back in the cell they have to pipe them the fucking food.


  1. It's going to be tough, that's for sure. The remaining employees of the department are no doubt in for a few rounds of mandatory sensitivity training. My guess is that it won't help much. As you say, once trust is broken it won't be easy to regain.

    Unfortunately, based on the rank of the two police officers involved, the rot in that department was clearly at the top. How widely it spread remains to be seen. It will be a long time before someone feels safe in a bar there late at night when the only patrons are cops, that's for sure.

    I think that town had better hope there's someone who understands police work living there whose judgment and integrity are trusted. Making someone like that the new chief/sheriff/whatever will probably be the shortest route to trust in the local PD.

  2. I wonder how long those two had held those positions? If they were both long time locals, I can't imagine that any remaining officers could every regain the community's trust.
    There's just nothing to compare this crime with. It shames us all as humans. And that is getting to be far too common a circumstance.

  3. Plus if they did this one has to ask what other nasty shit have they done. You can bet others in the department know the character of these two but they all may be one in the same. People with guns on their side scare me at times.
