
Video Captures Alien Visitor

An extraterrestrial peering into a window was purportedly captured on videotape, and a few clips from that footage were shown Friday in Denver.

Sounds good to me but don't you lose your credibility when it's not released or at least part of it? There is a poll involved with this article with over 70% saying they believe in extraterrestrials. I guess when something like 85% in the US believe in an invisible cloud being that snapped his fingers to make all that is around us then visitors from space is not much of a stretch. The reality is
extraterrestrials are far more probable than a finger snapper.

1 comment:

  1. PZ Myers likes to feature Internet polls at Pharyngula, inviting people to distort them because they're so ridiculous. There's one like that on that Denver aliens story - "Do you believe in alien life?".

    OK, what kind of alien life? Anything that can reproduce itself? Something that is self-replicating and feeds itself? Or something carbon-based that we can sip a latte with and shoot the breeze? My answers to those three questions are different, as they could be for any thinking person.

    Still, I agree they're all more likely than the existence of some sort of entity that can create and affect the universe, and yet not exist within it in any meaningful or detectable way.
