
Yes Racing Can Kill You

The words added on to this video express exactly what crossed my mind when I saw it. What are these people thinking putting a wall at the end of the strip and why didn't the racers themselves say something? This was at English Town drag strip in New Jersey a track with a very long history in drag racing where this 47 year old man and father got his start. Sympathies to the Kalitta family and all racers understand the risks but it doesn't make the pain any less.

I am a fan of drag racing because that's what we did when I was young and if I could afford it now I'd be burn'in rubber as I write this just because you know it's the American way for some of us.

Even with this tragedy I encourage all if you have not to experience at least once in your life a NHRA national event. It's expensive at least 50-60 bucks but go on a Saturday when they qualify as it's one run after another. To experience a top fueler or funny car is something you will never forget in your lifetime if you have not seen it in person. Bring some good ear protection!


  1. YES Liberality amazingly so but that's not half of it. They say these motors produce 7000HP but since their life span is so short they can't be dynoed. After each run at least for the nitro motors they are rebuilt. You can feel the pressure from these pounding on your body.

    It also seems a bit blurry and a friend said I think it's because my eyeballs are bouncing and I think he's correct. Then to go down to the end and watch these things come through the lights at 320+ is a trip in itsself. The sport is very corporate as expected because the costs are astronomical but it is amazing for sure.

    I have been to only three national events and hope to go to the Mile Hi Nationals this year taking some people who have never been.

    There are some very good women drivers in all the classes.

    Along with the ticket you are allowed a pit pass and you can get get up close to these drivers as I have with Scott Kalitta. Think about it and thanks for asking.
