

Just got done with three hours of meetings. In two days we enter the eighth month of the year. YIKES! Caught a lot of fish yesterday all browns. The local monkeys have their knickers in a knot because their hero of debauchery 12 time arrested former mayor got a DUI and got her ass tasered in the process but it's the cops fault as always.

What's so hard to understand. You have a weapon and the ones with guns tell you to put it down and you don't chances are high you will die. Don't have a weapon and you do not do what they tell you chances are just as good you be tasered or pepper sprayed. It's fucking simple. That's the way it is now.

The weather couldn't be better but it's very dry everywhere. On the way home was thinking about this song.


  1. that fish has a frown on it's face, just saying ;)

  2. That may be true but he was smiling just a bit later when he was released as they all are. Barbless hooks most of the time too.
