
McBush Unleashes His Attack Dogs On Librarian Granny In Denver

UPDATE 7/9/08 If you would like to help Carol Kreck in defense of all of our First Amendment rights go HERE.

Ok so maybe she's not a granny and there weren't dogs either the message is clear and courtesy of ProgressNow we get a glimpse of the ordinary when it comes to expressing an opinion and perhaps a hint of what is coming when the big shoe hits town. YIKES!!

Saw nothing on this incident from the online video from Denver.


  1. In 2006 we here in NM witnessed the same behavior from W and his minions. An event in Rio Rancho - an Albuquerque suburb - featuring VP Cheney was advertised as non-political... but folks were required to sign a "loyalty oath" to gain admittance! (... and don't bother to stand in line if you're wearing an anti-W t-shirt!)

    Our tax dollars at work!
    (I emphasize: this was not formally a campaign event, but a Government-sponsored appearance by the VP to address U.S. citizens!)

  2. These guys are in enough of a bubble already. I can't imagine that removing protesters, particularly peaceful ones, is going to make that any better.

  3. If you watch closely, you can see the flag pin morph into swastika.
    What happened to freedom of assembly? How can you trespass in public? Why didn't anyone on site get upset?
    What a bunch of sheeple!

  4. P.S. Very nice pic. (7-9-08)

  5. Took a bunch of pictures that day Jeg and came away with only a couple decent ones and this wasn't really one of them. Glad you liked it.
