
Patriotism & Independence Day

The 4th of July was always a big deal of course as a kid and even as a young adult. I was lucky to not have hurt myself with some of the things that were lit off but have seen some get hurt. Sure is different now.

Liberality writes this short post that is very fitting and could not be said any better.

The Ornery Bastard asks what has changed.

I ask as this nation party's today and through the weekend how many will be discussing the state of our country and how different from past 4th's this one is. Just how shitty do conditions need to be before people from both sides begin to question. Can't afford that tank of oil to get to Grandma's this weekend blame the chimp. Losing your house because you lost your job well then you shouldn't have voted for this imbecile not once but twice. The loss of jobs continues to rise and more troops are being killed in Afghanistan than Iraq. Put it together people we must leave Iraq very soon and somehow get these bastards out of the White House if there is any chance of stopping some of this madness.

I have three lady fingers left from several years ago. Headed out to cause trouble. Have a fun holiday everyone.


  1. Happy 4th to you!
    Wow! The blue in today's pic is. . .
    just special.

  2. Happy Forth Bud, I'm gonna get likkered up at home.

  3. Hope you had a fun holiday yesterday. And thanks for the linky love.
    I gotta work this weekend so I won't be around much.
