
Worse Than The Chimp

Reaching out to evangelical voters, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is announcing plans to expand President Bush's program steering federal social service dollars to religious groups

This is depressing to say the least. This is what we don't need and makes this man worse than the idiot that sits in the Oval Office. At a loss for words and if I could come up with some no way could they be nice. What the hell is coming down the tube next from this guy? What in the fuck is it they do not understand about keeping religion and politics separate?


  1. Obama is straining so hard to be in the political center that he has went over the double yellow line and is now on the other side of the fucking road.

  2. There's a similar post at ". . .Earth Bound Misfit" where I just commented:
    Could we find some serious donor to print a copy of the constitution in LARGE TYPE and present every single congresscritter and senator one each? Just because the decider doesn't understand or support the constitution doesn't mean the rest of the jerks have to imitate him.
    This country is in a shitstorm and it looks like most of the damn politicians think that's a good thing.

  3. No shit guys. What the hell is going on. I was pissed off when I saw it this morning. By far the majority on the left when Bush started this screamed bloody fucking murder. Since it's the wonder boy Obama it's okay now. I don't fucking think so. Dammit anyway.
