
84 Ft In St. Paul 733 In Cow Town

Bill Johnson for the Rocky Mountain News writes "The difference between the two cities is all about a willingness of municipal officials to stand up for constitutional rights." Who in their right mind is going to enter this 55,000 square foot pen with no way out so damn far away you may as well be barking at the fucking moon for what good it will do.

If you bastards would have done what you were sent to Congress to do in '06 this convention would not be much of an issue but no you screwed us instead. Fucking a right many wish to get up close and personal to explain just that to all of you instead of half a fucking mile down the road in a goddamn pig pen.

The City and the Federales have been sitting around planning for every contingency because a bunch of people wish to express their outrage and I'd bet a bunch 95% plus are non-violent and have been most of their lives. Gitmo is ready get so on your horseys and herd 'em down there. When the job is done wipe your brow drink some cold Curs, Curs Light he ha. It's cow town fucking central for sure!

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