
Colorado Tidbits

In their infinite wisdom the powers in charge have decided not to use razor wire at Gitmo on the Platte. Who the hell did they think they were going to put in there anyway. It's people like you and me and I know I don't deserve any goddamn slicer wire.

McNut just like so many dumb ass statements he's made said he wanted Colorado's water and believing his tortured mind he damn well meant it and pissed a bunch off for sure. Hell even Kenny boy Saladbar wants to kick his ass. This wretch is worse than the monkey in a lot of ways.

The Denver archdiocese is facing another sex abuse lawsuit imagine that. This shit is never going away and Benny the rat refuses to do anything about it so it will continue. How in the hell can those who practice this religion stand for this and do nothing ? I will never understand.

Sellout whore Pelosi was in Denver tonight touting her new book. I hope some of the protesters did some warming up for next week and lobbed a few dozen rotten eggs at this bitch.

Zogby has McFucknut up by five points. Zogby has an agenda and has shown that in the past. How fucking stupid are Amerikans going to be this time around. My guess is dumber than usual.
look the fuck out! LTFO

By the way 18 of ours killed so far this month in Irak.

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