
Obama Makes A Shit I Mean Shift

Yea no shit Cisco how many reversals does this make? You will be eaten alive for this and look what they did to you with the tire pressure statement. That is something all can do something I do on a regular basis that does make a difference in mileage as does preventative maintenance on your vehicle. The media as expected stroked that and each other laughing their simpleton asses off over a simple thing that actually does work. No matter what you say the response will be the same. If every time you open your mouth you're going to get slammed anyway how about a vision for energy independence using alternative sources? I want to hear that not that you will accept a certain amount of drilling along our coasts. Jesus christ anyway!

In the end when the whore media and the neo-killers are done there will not be a darky sitting proud in the big house. That is not going to be allowed if there is any way around it.

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