
The Real Forces Behind Amendment 48 That Will Give Constitutional Rights to Fertilized Eggs

One man stands in the nexus between the mainstream factions that espouse the politically correct "love the sinner/hate the sin" mantra and the more virulent behavior inspired by strained Biblical justifications for killing said sinner.

The truth behind this effort now comes out thanks to Wendy Norris and the piece she did today part one of two. It's non other than James Patrick Johnston, D.O from Ohio who condones killing those who chose to help women with unwanted pregnancy's. I call what this man has said and done terrorism too. In any case these people involved are sick bastards indeed.

UPDATE 8/12 Part II

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the kind words.

    It does need to be underscored that the antiabortion movement comes in many stripes. Good people of good conscience can oppose abortion and work to end the circumstances for it, lawfully, respectfully and ethically.

    Groups like the Army of God, and those who cozy up to them to incite violence, must be exposed.

    Stay tuned for part two.
