
Right Wing Media Going Boo Hoo

there are left-leaning bloggers who provide a knee-jerk dismissal of whatever's on Page A1 of the Times or making the rounds on Sunday chat shows.

Cry me a river you sorry sack of shit. It's the liberal bloggers who have called all the whores into account for the shit you put out the propagandizes the willing sheeple. Now that the tables have turned you don't like it. Could it be that we prefer reality and truth over the swill we see from the likes of you that does nothing other than further the agenda of a corrupt administration and the corporations that benefit from it. Do ya think monkey?

Example- Bush blames Democrats for high gas prices
Here you print what the chimp says which is fine but the proof you are whores is in the fact you do not call this imbecile out for a blatant lie. Kiss my sorry ass.


  1. spot on dude, spot on!

    "The people on the left no longer see the media as a third-party intermediary," Stoller said. "They just see it as part of the political campaign. You go after media figures as if they're part of the opposition campaign. It's how they need to be treated."

    Because it's the truth for one, not just our perception!

  2. Joe Klein is still clueless. At the bottom of that column, he's quoted as saying it was the liberals who were criticizing him on his parroting of right wing talking points on FISA. In reality, a lot of people on the political right and center were critical as well.

    Maybe when the press stop hiring pompous gasbags to be their columnists and replace them with people who are willing to understand the subject matter, they'll find they get more respect.
