
Stuff I Ran Across

More Polygamists close to home.
This sect is in a town I've driven through many times and it seems there is a bit of concern from the locals. This area has a close relationship with Texas as it's close so many come to play and buy land. This is just beginning. There are many Mormons in Colorado.

Check out who thinks they need to conserve. Pretty damn disgusting given the circumstances. You may not want to or think you need to but you will and there will be no choice as it's inevitable. How stupid are you people?

Iraqi army is willing, but not ready, to fight
They will never fight while we are there who can't understand that as it's pretty straight forward. We'll stand down when they stand up or whatever the fuck the phrase was. Nothing these killers said has ever had validity for the most part. Who is stupid enough to believe anything these bastards say. The dead man pulled the anthrax caper. Bullshit they fucking did it just as sure as shit.

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