
We Don't Want No Ragheads Here In Curs City

The city manager in Golden on Friday revoked an invitation he had made to the Al Jazeera English television network. The manager invited the network to interview people during a barbecue at his home the week of the Democratic National Convention. His intent was to show that neighbors can disagree politically while still working together. However, a growing backlash of criticism from Golden residents has forced the manager to take back that invitation. Many Golden residents have indicated it was inappropriate for the manager to invite the controversial network into his home.

Give me this over what the sheep get anytime. I think it important this view is heard and offered up some assistance if another place is found and expenses can't be met. If it is important to you too you can go here to find the e-mail address at the top of the page to do the same.

I could have blogged from the Big Tent as well as worked there this week but I'm not going down. A friend is driving Give Up Kerry around. He can jump out and let the damn thing slam into a wall for all I care.

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