
The Wilson's Screwed Again

The court ruled Cheney and the others were acting within their official capacity when they revealed Plame's identity to reporters.

Maybe the greatest act of treason in the history of our country ordered up by the VP of the fucktard in charge and dismissed like batting a pesky fly away.

Maybe just maybe sometime in the future these lowlifes who have raped my country so long and hard will have to pay for what they have done but expect nothing because we have got nothing from our side for years. We are so screwed and don't even know it.


  1. The conservatives have been packing the courts with their activist (pro capitalism at any cost to the middle and low class taxpayers) so I don't think we can expect much justice from these fuckers. The courts will rule in their favor but throw the book at the little guy with barely a shrug.

  2. No shit! All we get is nothing.
