
Our Government Is So Corrupt At All Levels I'm Screaming In Disgust

Government workers in Denver engaged in secret sex and drug abuse with oil company employees and accepted thousand of dollars in gifts while handling billions of dollars worth of energy contracts, federal investigators said today.

In the end chances are what is written about here for the most part will be found to be true. This is just one place and some involved act like there was nothing improper done. All this shit is so hard to take. Day after day for eight fucking years these bastards do this and worse and all the sheep want is their fucking football and Nascar.

Corporations and lobbyist's are so totally ingrained into government it is just another part of it and taken for granted that this is the way business is done. For anybody to think that even if BO is elected this will change is living a delusion.

I'm so tired of sucking on the hind teat!

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