
People Are Making Changes

I am moving at the end of the month. A good bud is leaving for the last time this morning taking 16% less than the asking price for his house but it did sell. Another here hopes to close next week for 20% less. A life long friend is moving also at the end of the month into a friends house along with another. All three have recently lost their jobs.

I think this is happening all over the country. Changes brought on by corruption and greed forced on many who don't necessarily deserve it. Mine is part of that but intend for it to have more positives in the end. I am one of the luckier ones.

Got shit to do but headed down to the river at least for awhile as those trips to my favorite place of all will be limited in the future. Will find other places that will work instead plus it's time to explore other fisheries.


  1. Again Congratulations and good luck!

  2. That airplane in your header - THAT is the type of plane I would love to fly in some day. A real one of course, not the toy. I've been in helicopters and commercial airliners, but I've never been up in a private plane. But if I ever had an opportunity to go up in one of thise old babies - so long as it was safe - I would do that in a heartbeat!

  3. These planes are out there Robert. Go do it-take a ride you'll love it. I've never ridden in a plane with an open cockpit myself.

  4. Change is sometimes the hardest thing to accept but it usually winds up for the better of all concerned.


  5. You will be missed you sweet yet stubborn monkey.
    your ride along
