
There Are More Than Enough Racist Bastards On The Left To Lose This Election

Here are a few tidbits for thought on what's coming.

Yahoo News poll that found one-third of white Democrats harbor negative views toward blacks — many calling them "lazy," "violent," responsible for their own troubles.

Just seven in 10 people who call themselves Democrats support Obama

More than a quarter of all Democrats expressed doubt that Obama can bring about the change they want, and they are likely to vote against him because of that.

Just 59 percent of her white Democratic supporters said they wanted Obama to be president. Nearly 17 percent of Clinton's white backers plan to vote for McCain.

Here is another.
The pollsters set out to determine why Obama is locked in a close race with McCain even as the political landscape seems to favor Democrats.
I can tell you why because that's the image cast by the media that there is something inherently wrong with this man when the truth of the matter is the other two are borderline bat shit crazy but that's fine by you whores because you love war and incompetence that's why assholes.

A racist nation we are when you have the numbers from this poll showing so many so called Democrats who will not vote for a black man. They are not Dems but racists. We are so goddamn dumb as a nation we would rather have more death and destruction by possibly even worse candidates than the Bush's rather than the chance of the return to a bit of sanity because of the color of this mans skin. Sick shit I tell you.

I don't give a shit if our candidate is the Queen of Egypt just as long as these killers are out of office that is if there is an election.
I'm not happy with the way things went but I sure as hell will not vote for the other side or not vote at all because of the skin color of our candidate. Dumb monkeys!


  1. Nearly 17 percent of Clinton's white backers plan to vote for McCain.

    They were never going to vote for anyone else. They're McShame's paid stooges.

  2. You can always count on our side to do the right thing.
