
Barack HUSSEIN Obama

From Russ over at al Qaeda in Albuquerque. This is good stuff and I agree. There are ways to shut these wingnut loons mouths over issues that have no bearing and this is an example. Posted in it's entirety. Thanks Russ.

Unlike a fair number of "progressive" commentators, I have no problem with McCain's surrogates emphasizing Sen. Obama's middle name: HUSSEIN.

When Sen. Obama takes the Presidential oath of office next Jan, we'll be routinely treated to headlines featuring the middle name - let's get used to it!!!

Rather, I AM distressed that Sen. Obama hasn't stepped up to put an end to this silliness:
"We're facing the biggest financial crisis in a generation, and my respected Republican opponent is trying to scare you with my middle name!!!"
... There are any number of variations on this theme Candidate Obama could play.

If Candidate Obama were feeling particularly vicious, he could follow up, "... they're trying to scare you with my middle name", with something along the lines of...
"Over the past 8 years our Republican leaders have relentlessly used FEAR to justify the most disastrous policies in our history...

They - the Republicans, including my respected Republican opponent - have nothing else to sell: only FEAR!

I believe we - Americans - are better and stronger than that... that is why my campaign has consistently offered hope for the future..."
... again, I'm not Candidate Obama's speech-writer, but I do wish someone on his staff would suggest this tactical response to the fear-mongering invocation of what is, after all, the Candidate's name!

Have a nice day.

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