
Bullshit Called

U.S. automakers could turn to Congress after the November election to try to expedite $25 billion in government-backed loans, which Detroit manufacturers consider crucial to reversing their steep downward spiral.

If you corporate fuckers had built the cars that were needed or had at least done the R&D to be ready for times like these you wouldn't be fucking asking now would you. It is time for another "people's car" after all it's fascism we're facing. What's there to lose.


  1. Right on bud.
    They have had their heads up their asses for forty years now.
    Someone try to tell me there hasn't been a market for smaller, fuel efficient cars this whole time and I am going to laugh and push them in front of the next speeding Toyota on it's way by.

    Ford in particular kept throwing out some real garbage in that market niche year after year while building Lincoln Town cars and Continentals year after fucking year.
    Fuck them.

  2. To think what should have been and the difference it would have made in these times. Whored out politicians and corporate bottom line pricks.

  3. watch who killed the electric car? when you get the chance. that will make your blood boil. they had the answer but they didn't like the question I guess.
