
Cornfield Dims Make Past Arrested Repug Candidates Cry And Whine

Iowa Democrats scoured public records and documented that several Republican Iowa House candidates have criminal charges in their backgrounds. One of those candidates has a felony conviction for third-offense drunken driving. In addition, one candidate has an active warrant for his arrest in connection with a driver's license problem. Another is currently dealing with a federal violation at his workplace.

The value party cry foul because having been arrested should not be part of the criteria for voters to consider. Blubbering on explaining so many get arrested for drunk driving and other crimes that this outing is the worst of political sleaze. One regressive even said "Well, my God, if we excluded everyone who ever got arrested for drunk driving from running for public office we'd have to import Mexicans." What this prick failed to say is that none of the Democrats running had any criminal arrest record at all. You asshole! Way to go you guys actually showing a bit of fight for a change.

This reminds me so much of the little shit hole town I just moved from it makes me want to upchuck.

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