
G Men Can Stop And Search Us Within 100 Miles Of The Border

Using data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, the ACLU has determined that nearly 2/3 of the entire US population (197.4 million people) live within 100 miles of the US land and coastal borders.

Can you say Police State because I sure as hell can. Open the door for abuse and it will come. Citizens driving within this zone nowhere close to the boarder being detained and you can bet many aren't treated nice at all. Ah-Amerika.


  1. fucking police state. and I know of what I speak!

  2. Does anyone else see a connection between the deployment of the 3rd Infantry Division from combat duty to the U.S. to control any "civilian unrest" and this declaration by Homeland Security?
    Just wondering. . .

  3. yea jeg-they both came from the same place

  4. When I read that, I was thinking, "thank God, it doesn't affect me." Then I clicked the link and saw the friggin' map and sure enough, Fort Wayne, IN is included. Looks like I may be writing about this tomorrow.

  5. They can do whatever they want. One gets caught up in this look the fuck out-anything can happen.
