
McRude Demonstrating The Reality Of Himself

May not seem like much to some but I find McCain not shaking hands with Obama Tuesday after the debate as being significant as to his character.

This is a major insult and was done intentionally probably for more than one reason. At this level you just don't do shit like this but he did and any reason McDumb felt for doing so is flawed as he is. This man is a danger to our country and to us if he is installed as leader. LTFO!


  1. Jeez, I hadn't even noticed that. Mccain really has a tendency to turn his opponent into his enemy.

    Is that presidential?

    The whole night, I thought McCain looked a bit the amateur, repeating the same talking points and hitting on the same old cliches.

    Then again, I hate self-aggrandizing, ambitious little gloryboys. So I'm biased.

    One Love,
    --Reverend Manny

  2. I had fallen asleep and saw this somewhere. No McCain does not look or talk presidential not even a little bit.
