
The Move Is Basically Over And The High Speed Is Up And Running

The move is for the most part over. Started at 7am and am sitting here making this post at 12:30. Still have a lot of shit to put away but it will take little to have an enjoyable evening. It may take weeks before all is organized because I'm a lazy fucker.

This is a view out of what is going to be the living room.

Walk out the back for 75 yards and this is the view down river.

This is the view up river and I know there is one waiting for One Fly's fly the only one he uses. Gonna get my ass in gear get some work done and head out there. It's just beautiful out.

In a week or so will go up to the old place to finish up but that should only take an hour or so. At this time I'm very happy and I know I will not miss the town and many of the people I used to live in.

Time to produce-later all.


  1. Congrats! Looks like a great location!

  2. Congratulations. I'm jealous. I haven't seen a river since I visited my husband's family in MT.

    What a score!
    What the HELL are you doing typing?
    Get out there and fish!!

    Lucky bastard!

  4. Well I went out for about an hour and let's just say they weren't willing. That's okay!

    Don't be too jealous Nunya as this place is on a flood plain.

    There is a bunch of work to do before winter but not tonight. I feel fortunate.

    Thanks!! tb

  5. does look like some beautiful scenery there
