
No Need To Tell Suspects Of Right To Call

Iowa police officers are not required to tell suspects about their right to call a lawyer or relative, even when they ask to contact someone else, the state appeals court ruled Wednesday. Iowa law allows suspects to contact relatives or an attorney "without unnecessary delay," and requires police to permit "a reasonable number of telephone calls" to secure a lawyer.

I can see that some arrested piss the badges off and why they would not offer any assistance but when they ask to call someone else outside of a lawyer or a relative and they do not have to explain who they can call that's bullshit. Things are done differently in the cornfield but it's probably the same in other states as well but that doesn't make it right. Asshole right wing judges.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bud!
    I am taking a break from moving. I'm telling you this police state America is just getting legs. Pretty soon they will shed this facade of Democracy and announced the new America. It won't be long! I am stupefied that people do not see it!
