
Robert Fisk On Democracy Now

I respect Fisk's opinion on the Middle East and his perception of the present day reality in that region. In this interview in studio he covers much and presents the grim outlook that is the future for us and unfortunately the people that live there.

I highly recommend reading or watching as you'll not see this accurate or as blunt an analysis anywhere else. The video player for this did not seem to work well here and if you watch the length is about 14 minutes but worth it. Things are not good at all and if this country does not change policy the future is bleak indeed.


  1. most people just do not understand this is a Religious war and it is just starting. The entire world will be embroiled in it and the hell Bush created in Iraq by diverting from Afghanistan to get in the middle east will embroil the whole middle east and then the world.
    Bush will make sure then as you know Executive order # 51 by Bush os McCain or Obama if he sneaks in and survives. He will be forced to react but I can't see the right stopping this Forever war aganda now. This financial collapse is part of the manufactured perfect storm and as you know it is coming soon. This is just beginning!

  2. get ready for a very bumpy road - what bush has unleashed in the middle east (and it was brewing) is only the start

    when economic conditions get really really bad here -- watch where the blame falls

  3. Distributor cap
    You are right on! This is the tip of the iceberg in this perfect storm here and around the world that Bush or whoever controls him started. Relax, stay with it, and stay together.
