
Zombies In Denver

Courtesy of Sufimarie over at Square State another example of who attends events for the Republican candidates. These people are the everyday Republicans who have been so probably forever. What I find interesting is how these two in particular Palin have been able to very quickly bring to the forefront the true nature of those we battle on the other side. This party is truly full of racists period! Thanks Square State.

From Square State below.

This morning I attended the McCain rally as a protester. I handed out some leaflets that were at times violently rejected. These leaflets simply brought people's attention to the fact that Cindy McCain profits from selling a substance that is more harmful to the human nervous system than marijuana. The tone at this rally, where I counted 5 black people (3 of whom not of voting age) and about 30 Hispanics, reminded me of a white power rally. Most everyone was old and crazy. All they could muster were racial slurs, "TERRORIST" or "COMMUNIST."

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