
Electric And High Mileage Vehicles Have Been Possible For A Long Time

They just would not do it and they have failed miserably. The CEO's got their ass handed to them in Congress and feel so guilty gave up private jets and are driving cars back to Washington.

Below are two examples of what's being done now. One a private enterprise and the other by Ford its self in Europe. Not saying these two are the solution only that if they had wanted we could have had even better affordable vehicles running around all over our country if only they had even given just a bit of a shit. A crash program on super efficient affordable vehicles better be part of the deal for saving their sorry asses.

Got these links at BartCop.

Aptera’s $26,000 Electric Car and 300 MPG Hybrid Coming Soon


Published on September 9th, 2008

Back in July, Ford released the details of a new Fiesta it plans to begin selling this November. The new car is based on Ford’s ECOnetic platform and can get 63 mpg in the city and 73 mpg on the highway. So why is it only available in Europe? It’s a diesel, and Ford doesn’t think Americans will ever adopt diesel cars.


  1. Sometimes I think the heads of Ford and GM want the companies to fail. Chrysler was taken over by a consortium with Dan Quayl on it, what does that say?

  2. not only that, but how much tax monies does the state collect from the selling of fuel? if we drove cars that don't eat up fuel then they lose a source of easy revenue. they don't want that!

  3. Thanks for stopping by Sharon!! tb
