
The Killing Has Slowed Some But Not Yesterday And Iraq Continues To Be The Killing Fields

Two car bombs exploded in central Baghdad Monday and a suicide bomber blew himself up among police and civilians who rushed to help the wounded, a triple strike that killed 28 people and wounded 68.

In another attack, in Baquba, capital of volatile northern Diyala province, a female suicide bomber killed five U.S.-backed security patrolmen and wounded 11 other people

The Right proclaims success in Iraq because of the surge. The surgers could go here on any given day and see that they are living and believing a myth. One of ours was killed on Sunday making three this month with another 14 Americans killed last month. Ask the families and loved ones how well the surge has worked for them and then get back to me on that.

The debacle in Iraq is not a hot topic these days and has been that way for some time. Our dead barely acknowledged and for the most part unlawful to document. The video is about the phenomenon in Canada and how Canadians show the up most respect for their country men who have fallen serving their country. It is touching and reinforces to me there is something severely lacking here in the states.

We must not forget about Iraq and all those who have been killed on both sides in our names. Please President Obama get us the hell out of there soon.


  1. Yhep Bush's success which is Iraq's hell on earth continues! It is sick you hear nothing of it anymore because as he was screwing around in Iraq Afghanistan got much worse. That is not success it is stupidity! Bush guaranteed a loss of everything and a hell of a lot more fighting!

  2. The highway of heroes, what the hell is wrong with us?

  3. We'll see how quick he gets us out of Iraq. I'd like to see him reign in the CIA. The only people who ever benefited from those sick fucks were rich fucks.

  4. We keep throwing money and blood in an area that will never be at peace without another dictator.

  5. I'd like to suggest a new tradition for Veterans' Day. It's called skepticism.

    One thing that Obama seems to be determined to do is get us out of Iraq as soon as possible. Let's hope he can.

  6. It did take years to get to this election. The next step is soon1/20/09. I want to see the lot of these guys doing the quick step and Iraq is at the top of the list.
